
Welcome to Moqqie, the revolutionary AI-driven recruitment platform designed to streamline and enhance your hiring process. Our innovative solution leverages advanced artificial intelligence to conduct pre-screening interviews, providing you with insightful candidate assessments and reducing time-to-hire.

This documentation serves as a comprehensive guide to help you navigate and utilize Moqqie effectively. Whether you are a recruiter, HR professional, hiring manager, or developer, this guide offers detailed instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips to ensure you maximize the benefits of our platform.

What you will find in this documentation?

  • Setting up your organization: Instructions for creating your organization.

  • Tiers: An overview of Moqqie's subscription tiers, including the limits.

  • Assessment concepts: Understand the essential components of Moqqie's assessment process, including creating questions, setting rules, inviting candidates, and utilizing feedback and scoring.

Why Moqqie?

  • Efficiency: Reduce the time spent on initial candidate screening by leveraging AI to handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

  • Accuracy: Benefit from data-driven insights and objective assessments to make informed hiring decisions.

  • Scalability: Easily manage large volumes of applications, ensuring no potential candidate is overlooked.

  • Customization: Tailor Moqqie’s features to align with your specific recruitment needs and organizational processes.

We are committed to helping you transform your recruitment process with our state-of-the-art AI technology. Dive into this documentation to explore how Moqqie can revolutionize your hiring practices and help you find the best talent efficiently and effectively.

Last updated