
An assessment is a structured set of questions that candidates answer during the pre-screening phase. These assessments are tailored to measure various competencies, skills, and attributes required for the job. The main components of an assessment include:

Basic Information

An assessment's basic information includes several key elements:

  1. Title: This is typically the role you are hiring for, such as "Senior JavaScript Developer" or "HR Manager." You can set any title you want, but be aware that this title will be visible to the candidate.

  2. Description: The description is shown to candidates right before they join the assessment meeting. You can include any details you want candidates to be aware of before starting the assessment.

  3. Goodbye Message: This message is displayed right after a candidate finishes the assessment. We recommend explaining the next steps of the hiring process or leaving a kind, short goodbye message.

  4. Deadline: This determines how late candidates can join the assessment meeting. Candidates cannot join the assessment after the deadline, which will also be included in the invitation email sent to them.


A series of questions designed to gauge the candidate’s knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and fit for the role.

Please note that you cannot select more questions than allowed by your subscription tier limits.

You can create questions by navigationg to "Questions" section using the side menu in dashboard.

Order of Questions

The order of questions is crucial when conducting an interview. Understanding this, we have built a feature that allows you to define the order of questions to ensure a structured and effective assessment process.


You can select which candidates should be assigned to the assessment. Once selected, these candidates will receive an invitation email containing all necessary details about the assessment, including the deadline for joining. This ensures that the right candidates are informed and prepared to participate in the assessment process.

You can re-send assessment meeting invitation emails in: Assessments -> Click on an assessment -> Click on "Meetings" tab

Last updated