
Questions are a fundamental component of Moqqie's assessment process. They are designed to evaluate various aspects of a candidate’s skills, knowledge, and suitability for a specific role. Understanding how questions function within Moqqie is essential for creating effective assessments that provide meaningful insights into candidate capabilities.

Purpose of Questions

  • Assess Knowledge: Questions help gauge a candidate’s understanding of key concepts and principles relevant to the job.

  • Evaluate Skills: Through practical and situational questions, assess the candidate's ability to apply their skills in real-world scenarios.

  • Determine Fit: Behavioural questions can help determine if a candidate's approach aligns with the company's values and work culture.


In Moqqie, Question Rules are a critical feature that defines the criteria for judging candidate responses and generating feedback during the assessment process. These rules ensure that evaluations are objective, consistent, and aligned with the specific requirements of the job role.

Rules serve as a framework for analyzing candidate responses and providing structured feedback. These rules help in standardizing the evaluation process, ensuring fairness and accuracy in candidate assessments.

Implementing Question Rules

  1. Define Criteria: Clearly outline the criteria for each question, specifying what constitutes a correct, partially correct, and incorrect response.

  2. Set Scoring Guidelines: Establish detailed scoring guidelines that align with the defined criteria. Ensure these guidelines are easy to understand and apply.

    When scoring a Q&A, each response should be rated on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 indicates an unsatisfactory response and 10 represents an excellent response. This scale helps maintain consistency and clarity in evaluating candidate answers.

  3. Incorporate Keywords and Indicators: Identify and document the essential keywords, key phrases, and behavioural indicators that evaluators should look for in responses.

  4. Determine Weightage: Assign appropriate weights to different elements of the response based on their significance to the job role.

Each question should have a minimum of 1 rule and a maximum of 7 rules. This is not dependent on your subscription tier and is applied to all organizations by default.

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